Thursday, October 14, 2010


The heart of inspiration for my photography comes from the people I meet and the places I travel. While in search of something I have never seen before or someone incredibly interesting I look for light. I am a natural light shooter most of the time, so I look for pockets of unusual light. I'm often searching for reflections off of glass buildings in an urban city or giant white walls that are being beamed with light from the sun become beautiful light sources. The environment becomes my studio and not knowing what quality of light I will find in a new location keeps me interested in the photography process.  I'm constantly discovering the new and the unusual. Sometimes I scout out the light source and then the subject; other times I find someone interesting and then quickly find a light source. It's often the luck of the draw. When I'm not inspired by the natural light I recreate my own light with speedlights. Click "Read More" at the bottom to view more pictures. 

More faces after the jump:

1 comment:

Spirit Photographie said...

Sometimes, naturel light is just enought ,but we want complicate light source, just to use our flashs and we lose magic moment for picture .